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By Gerard Malouf Solicitor
Many of us spend a minimum of 40 hours a week in the factory workplace or office. While the workplace is an environment for learning and professional improvement, it is also a place where accidents and injuries happen. Fortunately, most of these are preventable with just a few common sense steps. Learn the ways you can keep your workplace free from accidents and injuries.
Determine common accidents, illnesses and injuries that could occur in the workplace.
Awareness of the risks will help you and your employees design an effective health and safety program. It is also a way to help you implement proper use of factory equipment and put into practice proper workplace behavior.
In a factory or the office, always assume that things could get lost or misplaced and that injuries can happen. The key is to minimize the risks by organizing equipment and supplies. Assign a storage area for small parts and accessories and ensure proper inventory. Keep dangerous or flammable materials safely stored.
Ensure Cleanliness of the Premises
Encourage employees to maintain hygienic practices to ensure that workplace premises are sanitary. Use the same regulations for the office, warehouse, factory floor, kitchen, storage area, garage, parking lot, etc.
If your factory produces waste material, ask your local and national agencies for their proper storage and disposal. Certain waste materials, especially those of a toxic nature, should follow proper handling and disposal procedures to prevent any unnecessary accidents and injuries.
Well-trained employees are least likely to make mistakes that could lead to careless and dangerous work behavior. Training of employees should be mandatory so they are aware of the proper procedures and protocols involved in running a safe and organized factory.
Prepare a safety procedures manual to standardize operations for every department. Use this manual to train employees regarding proper work procedures.
Some equipment is meant to be used only by properly trained personnel. Restrict the use of specialized gear to authorized employees and make sure they undergo proper training regularly.
It also pays to train employees on the proper use of equipment. This will also help minimize damage due to improper use. In the long term, this will not only save the company money but also help train employees to be more responsible.
Use Safety and Protective Gear When and Where Necessary
The use of gloves, safety goggles, boots and other safety gear should be obligatory for employees working in environments with moderate to high risk of injury or accident. Purchase only equipment with the correct specifications for certain tasks so as to provide sufficient protection to the user. Train employees on their proper use and check the integrity of these gears regularly.
Use Visual and Textual Reminders Regarding Safety
Install signage at key areas in the workplace. This will serve as a visual reminder to employees regarding safety procedures.
Provide First Aid Kits at Key Stations in the Workplace
Should any accident or injury occur, make sure that there is sufficient equipment to perform first aid. Provide kits at areas that are easily accessible and assign properly trained employees to administer to injured or sick personnel in case of an emergency. Make emergency numbers easy to find and ensure that employees know who to call for medical help.
In the workplace, prevention is a lot safer and cheaper than a cure. By simplifying procedures, keeping things tidy and in place and implementing rules regarding safety procedures and use of equipment, injuries and accidents will be prevented.
About the Author: Gerard Malouf is a leading
Injury Compensation Lawyer
with over 26 years experience in
Workers Compensation Claims
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